Annual meeting and party Friday 28.02!

We invite all members to NTNUI Squash's general assembly / annual meeting, where we will discuss important decisions for the group and elect a new board for 2025! 📝 There will also be a party after the meeting, so please bring something to drink if you want to join us!

📅 Date: 28.02.2025
🕟 Time: 18:00
📌 Place: Klæbuveien 124, 7031 Trondheim

The board positions we're going to elect are:

- President (Leder)
- Deputy (Nestleder)
- Treasurer (Økonomiansvarlig)
- IT responsible
- Social responsible
- Parasport responsible
- Board members

We are depending on YOUR participation to make this a successful meeting! 💪 This is your chance to come with suggestions that can make the group better, whether it's about the practices or something else. 

We also kindly invite anyone that is interested in applying to join the board. You don't need any prior experience, only your love for squash ❤️ If you wish to have more information about the positions please contact any of the board members or send us a mail at .

There will of course be served PIZZA at the meeting for all participants 🍕 Please click "attend" on the facebook event to let us know you're coming so we know how much pizza we need to order:

If you're coming but don't have facebook, just send us a mail at .
Meeting agenda will come shortly!

By Root Admin - 2025-02-16 15:09