The board of NTNUI Squash is hosting a party for all members to mark the start of a new semester of squash!
Whether you're new to the club or have played for several years, join the new year's party on January 25th! This is a good opportunity to get to know people who go to other practices than yourself. And yes, a small welcome drink will be served upon arrival
If you plan to come, please press "going" on the event, so we have an estimate of how many we'll be.
Hope to see you there!
2025-01-21 01:04By Root Admin
LINK TO THE GROUPS AND MATCH SCHEDULE for tomorrow! You can find the match schedule in the "Timetable" tab:
The Beginners-tournament starts their first matches at 10:15, while the Club championship starts their first matches at 11:30!
Don't mind the schedule for the playoff yet, it will be changed depending on how we're doing on time.
Looking forward to watch you all play tomorrow! 💪
2024-10-17 19:11By Root Admin
Racketparty is a party at Studenterhytta together with NTNUI Badminton and Tennis and is the highlight of the year! More info can be found in the registration form below (deadline this Friday the 18th!):
2024-10-15 17:05
By Root Admin
By Root Admin
Kjære alle medlemmer i NTNUI Squash
Dessverre på grunn av manglende oppmøte på generalforsamling/årsmøte onsdag 14. februar (det var færre ordinære medlemmer enn styremedlemmer til stede), ble møtet ansett som ikke beslutningsdyktig, som betyr at vi må kalle inn til ny, ekstraordinær, generalforsamling. Denne gangen tar vi det hos Aleksander og kjører på med squash-fest etter møtet i håp om at det kan få flere til å komme
Date: 02.03.2024
Time: 18:00
Place: Odd Brochmanns veg 187
På årsmøtet skal følgende posisjoner velges til styret:
- Leder
- Nestleder
- Økonomiansvarlig
- IT-ansvarlig
- Sosialansvarlig
- Styremedlemmer
Kunne du tenke deg å bli med i styret, og få sjansen til å bidra til at studenter skal ha et bra treningstilbud? Si ifra! Kan informere om at styremedlemmer får billigere pris når de kjøper utstyr av klubben, i tillegg til at de kan melde seg på trening tidligere enn ordinære medlemmer.
Vi er avhengige av DIN deltakelse for å gjøre dette til et vellykket møte! Dette er din sjanse til å komme med forslag som kan gjøre gruppen bedre, enten det handler om treningsopplegget eller noe annet. Etter møtet kjører vi på med fest resten av kvelden!
Gjerne trykk "skal" på facebook-arrangementet vårt:
Saksliste til møtet kommer snart!
2024-02-22 17:11By Root Admin
Dear all members of NTNUI Squash. We invite you all to NTNUI Squash's general assembly, where we will discuss important decisions for the group and elect a new board for 2024!
Date: 14.02.2024
Time: 16:30
Place: F2 Gløshaugen
The positions we're going to elect are:
-President (Leder)
-Deputy (Nestleder)
-Treasurer (Økonomiansvarlig)
-IT responsible
-Board members
We are depending on YOUR participation to make this a successful meeting! This is your chance to come with suggestions that can make the group better, whether it's about the practices or something else.
There will of course be served PIZZA at the meeting for all participants Please click "attend" on the facebook event to let us know you're coming so we know how much pizza to order:
If you don't have facebook but want to participate, just send a mail to
Meeting agenda will be known shortly!
2024-02-06 18:15
By Erlend Hansson Rudi
The beginner tournament will not take place due to lack of participants, WHICH MEANS THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TOMORROW STARTS AT 11:00!
The groups and match schedule will be posted later today. The first matches will start between 11:00 and 11:10. It is important that everyone takes note of when and where they are playing and are ready to play at their set time, so everything runs smoothly. That includes showing up well in advance so you have time to warm up before your match starts. Stay tuned!
After the tournament, there will be a small gathering/party for all participants. As usual, we'll provide snacks and various items, while you bring a good vibe and something nice to drink! Address: Odd Brochmanns veg 187
See you tomorrow!
By Erlend Hansson Rudi
We have for a long while had issues with players unregistering from practice shortly before it starts, or even after it has started. This makes it very difficult for those on the waiting list to join the practice, as they're not notified in time, and then end up not attending the practice either.
To try and reduce this behavior, we are introducing a penalty point system regarding registering and attending practices:
- Unregistering from a practice less than one hour before it starts: 1 POINT
- Not unregistering from a practice at all and not showing up: 3 POINT
- 5 POINTS = Suspended from attending practices for a week
- One week is added to your suspension for every additional suspension within the same semester (2 weeks suspension the second time you're suspended, etc.)
- Points reset every semester
Note that this just the "first draft", and that the penalty point system may get tweaked gradually. The system will come into effect tomorrow: September 21st.
2023-09-20 17:54By Root Admin
Join the get-to-know-eachother-party at Friday the 22nd of September! Bring whatever you like to drink, and we'll provide the snacks and the entertainment.
The party is at Berg Studentby, address is Odd Brochmanns veg 187, doors open at 19:00!
Link to event on Facebook:
2023-09-07 20:23By Erlend Hansson Rudi
No practices this week (week 14); we start up again Tuesday April 11th.
Happy Easter!
2023-04-03 16:50By Root Admin
Deadline to either register or unregister from the tournament will be at 12:00 tomorrow (Friday noon). If you want to be on the waiting list to join the tournament, please send a mail to
I will try to have the groups and match schedule ready and send it to the registered players + post on facebook by the end of tomorrow.
2023-03-24 00:41
By Erlend Hansson Rudi
Saturday next week on March 25th, NTNUI Squash is hosting a club tournament for all its members! Wanna showcase your squash skills and find out who the best player in the club is? Here is your chance!
There will be two classes: A for experienced players and C for newer players.
Find the practices marked as "Tournament" and sign up for the class you want to participate in.
NB: The exact time for the tournaments may get changed depending on number of participants!
2023-03-15 14:18
By Erlend Hansson Rudi
By Erlend Hansson Rudi
All training sessions are canceled for the remainder of the semester due to Covid
2021-12-09 18:57By Olav Slapø Nes
The deadline for signing up (or off) the tournament is thursday the 18. at 12:00.
The C tournament will start 11:00.
The A tournament will start 13:00.
Players in the A tournament are recommended to arrive as early as 12:30 to warm up and potentially start sooner than 13:00.
Players in the C tournament are also recommended to arrive a bit earlier. That way you can warm up and be ready to start 11 sharp
By Olav Slapø Nes
- Only healthy people without symptoms can play
- There must be a minimum of 1 meter between players at all times
- Only two players on each court
- There must always be a responsible adult present at all children and youth activities
- All forms of squash is allowed, but make sure to utilize the "let-rule" in order to ensure the distance of 1 meter between players
- We recommend everyone to use their own equipment
- The ball can be touched by both players, but should be cleaned afterwards
- Use Antibac and wash your hands thoroughly before and after the practice
- Give time between the practices to enter and exit the court without congestion
- Violations of the rules will result in expulsion from practices
- Other parts of the facility must be physically shut off
- Everyone must follow the governments advice and familiarize themselves thoroughly with their regulations in addition to the federations corona rules
2020-08-07 01:26By Olav Slapø Nes
The practices are cancelled until further notice.
2020-03-11 22:38By Olav Slapø Nes
See this Facebook event for details regarding the tournament. Register today by attending tournament session below.
See this Facebook event for details regarding the party, hope to see you there!!
2020-03-03 18:32By Olav Slapø Nes
Sorry for the inconvenience.
2020-02-20 22:12By Bjørn Christian Seime
Announcement of board positions that will be vacated.
2020-01-31 22:31By Mona Spange Wikdahl
See Facebook for details:
2020-01-12 22:40By Bjørn Christian Seime
Welcome back to a new semester. The weekly practices for this semester are now listed here.
We will publish information about the get-to-now-each-other party soon!
2020-01-05 20:28By Bjørn Christian Seime
See Facebook event for details. Register today by attending A or B/C tournament session below.
2019-10-09 12:31By Bjørn Christian Seime
Click on the title for more info about new practices.
2019-08-21 21:06By Mona Spange Wikdahl
Friday, 15 February 2018, 18:00
2019-01-28 17:18By Bjørn Christian Seime
Welcome to a new squash semester! The practices for this semester will start tomorrow (January 7th). The schedule will be the same as last semester.
2019-01-06 19:25By Bjørn Christian Seime
If you are new to squash and want to learn more, join this beginners course! Isak will teach you the basics, like how to hold the racket, some basic tactics, drills, rules, etc. The price for the course is 50 kr. It will be held 1830-2000 at Sunday September 9th. Payment by cash or Vipps at the spot.
We got 12 spots. First come first served. Click 'attending' on Sunday's technique practice to join. Note: "practice" opens for attending on Thursday September 6th at 1830.
By Bjørn Christian Seime
This semester's practices are now listed at Practices starts from Monday 27th August.
2018-08-24 11:09By Bjørn Christian Seime
Welcome to a new squash semester We will soon post more information on this semester's squash practices and our traditional get-to-know-each-other-party. In the meantime, join our Facebook group and follow our Facebook page. Stay tuned!
By Bjørn Christian Seime
On the upcoming friday "Gudenes natteliv" will take place at samfundet, and NTNUI tennis, badminton and squash are planning a pre-drink party together before heading out 🕺 This will be a great opportunity to get to know our fellow racket-athletes
The address is Kringsjåvegen 9A, and the party starts at 18:00.
Hope to see you all there!
2018-04-05 16:30By
Then it's finally time for cake friday !! I have promised this long now, but now it actually happens. After Friday's training we gather for cake and chat. Everyone is welcome even if you have not participated in training! We gather in the sofa at Dragvoll. NTNUi Squash stands for the cake, bring drinks yourself (there is a soda machine there). No alcohol unfortunately. Looking forward to seeing you there! 16th of March at 17.30!
2018-03-10 20:52By
Next Friday the 23rd of February, Matt McFahn for off the wall squash is coming to town. He will do two seperate court sessions with 12 spots on each training. I would really recommend attendig if you want to learn more squash and improve your game. The registration will open two days before as usual.
5pm-6pm C/B level
6pm-7pm A/B level
By Bjørn Christian Seime
We will welcome you to join our party at Sigurd-Martinius' place.
We're going to select a new board!
Check our Facebook side for more details.
Hi there! See here for the list of this semester's squash practices. Join our Facebook group to get future updates on the upcoming get-to-know-each-other-party, general election and more!
2018-01-14 14:37By Bjørn Christian Seime
Hey everyone and welcome to a new squash semester!
Training are due to begin on Monday the 15th of January. Registration isn´t quite ready yet but we´ll let you know when it starts. We do have the courts this week as well (same hours as the previous semester) so feel free to use them, but you´ll have to organize yourself.
Stay tuned for information regarding the get-to-know-each-other party and general election in the coming week(s). You´ll be able to run for any board position but I know for sure a couple of them are currently empty, so get involved!
See you all on court.
2018-01-08 23:49By Bjørn Christian Seime
Good news from SiT: squash court will be open at selected dates in December. Also, Karl-Jørgen will bring a cake and beverage on last practice 17th December 🎂
2017-12-02 15:48By Bjørn Christian Seime
Don’t forget to sign up for the party of the year 😁👌🏻🍻 Important: Registration and payment deadline is Thursday November 2nd!
2017-10-31 22:18By Bjørn Christian Seime
See previous announcement for details on the party.
2017-09-18 19:12By Bjørn Christian Seime
Join the get-to-know-each-other-PARTY on Sept 28th.
2017-09-07 22:23By Bjørn Christian Seime